Wednesday, November 04, 2009

the o r d post

Just in case you didn't know, ORD stands for Operationally Ready Date, which means i'm officially ready/available for any sudden activations that may occur if Singapore was to go to war. :o
So i'm not exactly free from NS, i still have my 10 cycle liability.. but other than that


Well technically my ORD is on 10th November, but after booking out this morning I don't have to go back to camp anymore till 10th Nov to collect my pink IC =) so.. cheers :D

Ok this post is gonna be like a... reflections post or something. I don't really have a very definite picture of what i'm going to write, but i'll just.. type as the things come to my mind.

Let's start with a 'no more' section:

No more waking up at 6am in the morning and having to fall in for first parade by 715. SLEEP.
No more cringing when hearing the word 'book-in'
No more eating cat-food-standard SFI food. I mean, everyone feeds the food to the cats. And i dont know how many times i've opened a packet of rations from SFI and spent a good 30 seconds trying to process what on earth is edible in the box, then decide that nothing is and hence closing the box.
No more facing the horrible 'birdman'. no elaboration as i can't be bothered wasted words on him.
No more missing WoW raids. :o
No more having difficulty sleeping because the other people in the room sleep later and hence don't switch the light off and carry on talking
No more thinking when i next have to book-in

Some of my worst moments were in army. In fact, i think the worst day/night of my life is definitely in army and i can remember it very clearly -
it was during my Sispec overseas training, during one of the days of field camp. It had rained every single day of the outfield training, leading to a very miserable mood among everybody.
So imagine us - wet, soaked, drenched (ok all 3 words have the same meaning i don't know why i just used them in sequence) and cold, and night fell upon us. The rain had softened abit - softened, not stopped.

We knew we had to build some form of shelter, since it was probably gonna rain again (dark clouds, lightning/thunder were a dead giveaway) So we built some shelter with our groundsheets, etc, then all hid under it. I recall there were 4 of us under one groundsheet.

The worst part wasnt my body being wet - i had no problems with that, besides being very chilly. The worst was the wet socks. They clung to your feet and made you feel extremely uncomfortable. and there's virtually no way of drying them (besides changing them, which is pretty pointless considering they'll get wet before you can even put them on, and even after they're on they'll just get even wetter)

So us with the wet socks and shivering bodies, we were huddled together under shelter. Guess what? Of course, it rained again. it poured. The entire night.
I had never felt so cold before in my life. Maybe it was the rain, or the cold, or the outfield.. or a combination of all three. But i really felt like i was gonna get hypothermia or something. The 4 of us huddled together and were practically hugging each other, to no avail. It was FREEZING.

And that was how we 'slept' through the night. WORST NIGHT EVER.

And of course, my worst sickness (besides the fits i had when i was small which i have no recollection of so they're not counted) was also during army.. this time when i was in my unit, during our overseas training.
I was healthy as a fiddle all the way till the morning of R&R.. when we were scheduled to go visit theme parks and shop and enjoy ourselves.. when i woke up that morning, i knew i was screwed.
My stomach felt twisted in a million ways. I had a bad diarrhoea and couldn't stay out of the toilet. I constantly felt like vomiting.

The doctor at the camp there gave me a jab and some medicine, but it didn't help much. I still constantly felt nauseous and had diarrhoea nonstop. When we stopped for lunch at some restaurant, i took a nibble out of literally 3 grains of rice.. but when the scent of food settled on my tongue i immediately wanted to vomit and my stomach churned. so i couldn't eat.

This carried on till i returned to Singapore.. how sad eh. Even on the plane, i visited the toilet 6 times. I think i'm totally familiar with the small lavatory on the Silkair plane now.


So now, on to the next chapter of my life. Which is.. well, before uni even starts, is having a part-time job. I've never worked in a part-time job before in my life. So.. lol.
I'm trying to apply for a relief teaching job in my old school.. probably my primary school. Hope i get it!
Till then.. i'll be extremely free, except for mon/wed/fri nights when i have WoW raids. otherwise, ASK ME OUT!. yes yes. free as a bird.

-flaps wings-